
The Point and Click Solutions advanced reporting capabilities are quite unique with features that are not available in other Medical or College Health Systems.
They include:
Drag and drop capable graphical report writer
Built-in schema and database field documentation
Ability to publish reports seamlessly into the Scheduling, Billing and Clinical applications
Ability to create report sets
Reports that span demographics, scheduling, billing and clinical data
The Reporting packages are as follows:

The Basic Reporting package contains built-in reports within the main applications. It is intended for sites that have modest reporting needs and do not need to author new reports.

Larger sites that have their own IT resources for reporting, can use the Developer version which allows users to browse our schemas and create their own joins. This version was designed for more advanced users that understand some of the fundamentals of Transact SQL. In both cases, results can be viewed, graphed, printed or exported to Excel.