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August 2022 Updates - Med Admin, Training Videos

The August 2022 general release (12.11 2022.08) is now available to all customers. This month's software update includes a a new feature for administering medications in PncChart, a new credit card payment interface with CashNet, and several changes to the Clearance Badges used for pandemic management and safe-attendance policies.

For the full release notes and for more information about any of the updates listed below, log into PncHelp.

Medication Administration Now Available in PncChart

The new medication administration feature in PncChart allows clinical staff to order and document medications administered within the health center with built-in support for interaction checking and charge capture.

Batch-Manage and Contact Users in PncAdmin

With the new Browse Users tool in PncAdmin, manage and communicate with a large number of users in seconds. Efficiency has never been easier.

Accept Student Payments With CashNet

The OpenCommunicator portal now accepts credit card payments processed via CashNet. Students/clients can view their unpaid balance and make a partial or full-balance credit card payment spanning multiple tickets. The payment is automatically posted to the charge ticket. Contact the business office about licensing if you are interested in the CashNet payment interface. PNC also supports payment interfaces with TouchNet, Nelnet, and Cybersource.

Expanded Tutorial Video Library

The WebApps training video library in PncHelp has been significantly expanded and there are now more than 50 video training opportunities. The new videos are organized by role and application with topics ranging from Basic Scheduling, to Online Scheduling Configuration, Telehealth, and more. Additional topics will be added throughout the coming months. The short videos allow you to watch and learn independently or with a group to aid in staff onboarding as well as transitioning from the legacy desktop applications to the web platform.

And more...

Each new release includes dozens of new features and bug fixes. Read the full release notes in PncHelp, and contact PNC to schedule your update to the latest version today.

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