The May 2024 general release (12.11 2024.05) is now available to all customers.
Continued Enhancements to Schedule Template Editor
1. Use our new 14-Day Schedule feature to create bi-weekly (fortnightly) schedule templates, perfect for providers with alternating weekly schedules.
2. Check the "Overlay Appts" feature to identify where appointments are already booked on the schedule.
3. Note the centering of the activity blocks for easier viewing.
User Group Meeting Agenda - Early Registration Ends June 4
Registration is now open for the 2024 PNC User Group Meeting, July 8-9 at the Park MGM Las Vegas, but the standard registration rate expires soon on June 4.
The user group meeting is the best way to connect with peers at other PNC sites and engage with PNC leadership and product experts. We recommend planning to send at least 2-3 representatives as there are often three breakout sessions happening at the same time.
OpenConfig Retirement
The legacy Windows-based OpenConfig application is retired as of the May release. Use PncConfig to make any configuration changes that would previously be made with OpenConfig.
OpenAdmin Account Setup Editor Retirement
The User, Provider, and Provider Setup editors in the legacy Windows-based OpenAdmin application are retired as of the May 2024 release. Use PncAdmin to make any changes in these areas. All other editors are still active in the Windows application for sites who have access to it.
And more...
Each new release includes dozens of new features and bug fixes. Here are a few more topics highlighted in PncHelp:
Referral Attachment Sorting
Provider Task Summary UI Changes
New Insurance Verification Option
Insurance Details No Insurance Option
Prompt To Print Labels For Auto-Accessioned Labs
Filtered Site List for Immunizations and Med Administration
Automatic Printing of Radiology Labels
New CSV Export Buttons in PncAdmin
To Schedule Your Update...
Read the full release notes in PncHelp, and contact PNC to schedule your update to the latest version today.